What's the best way to integrate using Nasya oil into these pranayama practices? When's the best time to use the oil? Any other thoughts on this oil? Or other supplements to enhance this practice?
This is what I'm using: https://www.banyanbotanicals.com/nasya-oil-7/
Hi Erik. Great question! According to Ayurveda (in our Saraswati lineage) we do our morning sadhana (spiritual routine) in this order:
Nauli - pumping of abdomen
Jala Neti - neti pot
Nasya Oil - applied with pinky finger or by inhalation/sniffing (doesn't always work if practitioner has deviated septum, so that person can use pinky fingers)
Surya Namaskar - minimum 6 rounds (12 repetitions)
Pranayama - kapalabhati + anuloma viloma
If not following the entire routine, nasya oil should be applied always following jala neti to reduce drying out of the nasal passages.
Ayurveda recommends administering nasya on an empty stomach or one hour before or after a shower or exercise. It is generally applied prior to asana + pranayama to help open the nasal passages and nadis.
Here is a reference I have used before to work with nature's elements in creating a daily routine (called dinacharya in Ayurveda).
Yay! Thank you for the info!
I like ShaktiVeda nasya. Mary Jo will also respond to email questions as to which oil would best suit you. She is also available for consult, xo