My Sweet child,
look within, for it is I,
your Divine Mother & Beloved
that rests within your heart.
In your Silence i whisper to you
my secrets.
Listen attentively
to what I have to say.
What you seek in another
you can only find
through cultivating me in your heart.
What you think
evolves you through service,
is only my Source animating you.
What you long of renunciation
can be done with or without
saffron-colored robes.
The practices that you think healed you
is only the Grace of my very breath.
The intellect you have come to trust
is only my whispered wisdoms.
The path that you think leads to me
only leads to my feet, not my totality.
To Realize me
you must be
completely naked, completely free, completely pure.
Just Be Beloved,
for I am already there
patiently awaiting you to see
I am you.​
